Gallery Volunteers – Training / Guidance

The Club Gallery Co-ordinator has  provided the following Guidance Notes relating to volunteers undertaking duties in the Kingsgate Gallery :-
It is a requirement for everyone working in our Unit 22 Gallery in the Kingsgate to complete regular training. This is to ensure the smooth running of the gallery and from a health and safety perspective.
There is a pink folder in the gallery called How To Guide. In here you will find information and processes for everything we do including fire regulation procedures.
The next time you are on duty in the gallery please read the various sections in the folder. There is a sheet in the front of the folder for you to sign and date to demonstrate you have read and understood the content. The sections are short and should not take long to read. If you are unable to complete all the sections during one duty that’s ok. Just tick the sections you have done and pick up the remainder next time you are on duty.
If there is anything you don’t understand when completing the reading speak to the key holder on duty for support or clarification. Key holders are also required to complete this training.
We would like to have all the training complete by mid July. If anyone has not had a duty in the timeframe then they can complete the training the next time they are on duty.
Hope this all makes sense however if you have any question please let me know.
Happy reading everyone and thank you for your continued support in the gallery.

By Website Administrator

Website Administrator

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